Friday, January 06, 2012

Gloating round-up

Some new reviews of All the Rooms of Uncle's Head came out over the Christmas period: three at Sphinx by Jon Stone, Rob Mackenzie and Nikolai Duffy; an extended and very interesting version of Duffy's at Stride; and one by WN Herbert in the latest edition of Poetry Review (online version available here). All very gratifying, and I'm indebted to all the reviewers for their discernment generosity. Rob also later blogged about the issue of fictionality and hoaxing as it relates to the pamphlet. And – in other but still me-related news – the same issue of PR contains my poem 'A Bouquet for Pauline Viardot', about the C19th singer; the first time I've got in, so I'm bloody chuffed.


Anonymous Michael Willoughby said...

I really enjoyed it, Tony. I found your blog cos I was googling said lady to find out more about her. She's EVEN MORE INTERESTING than your poem, which is pretty interesting. Is there a text version I could have because I want to send it to a friend of mine who is an opera singer fan (obsessional)
The reason that I liked the poem was because it reminded me of one of my recent efforts in ways that I hope are self-explanatory. (the "real" bit of my poem is the excerpt from the letter at the beginning. Everything else is invented.
Your poem gave me an even better idea of how to use period details. To be fair on my character, though, he is going mad so a little blurriness can be forgiven.

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Michael Willoughby said...

PS just reading a bit more of your stuff I realise we are coming from a very similar POV. Not claiming to be as good as you!

11:03 PM  
Blogger Tony Williams said...

Thanks for reading, and commenting here, Michael. I'll email you a copy of the poem.

9:12 AM  

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