Sunday, October 21, 2007

All at sea

My poem 'In Broad Daylight' is up at qarrtsiluni (, and in good company (George Szirtes, Claire Crowther, Colin Will, etc). Meanwhile the latest issue of Poetry London has arrived with two of my poems in, 'Reproductive Behaviour of the Dark' and 'The Fence', the second of which was written during NaPoWriMo earlier this year. That month of frenzied writing really works.

So that's all very pleasing. Less pleasing is the fact that my internet access is severly limited and my computer use only slightly less so. It's a culture shock. But I have discovered that not being able to surf the e-detritus superhighnet does wonders for my productivity. Finished an essay and cracked on massively with my thesis last week. Every cloud...


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

It's been a while...

...mainly because I have been kept very busy by other things. But today a copy of Orbis dropped through the letterbox, containing two poems by me. How quaint that the magazine seems not to have a website - admirably futile resistance. I see there's a poem by Andrew Shields ( called 'Go Ogle', a take on obituaries which is very funny in places. It reminds me of the Michael Hofmann poem about Marvin Gaye (in Corona, Corona).

Weird how in Blogger on the Mac I'm not offered any potions to put in links, italicise, etc.

More soon, I hope - maybe even a post discussing what other people have written, rather than just this self-promotion stuff.
