Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The 2007 issue of Sojourn, the arts journal of the Univertsity of Texas at Dallas, is out now with my poem 'The Children of Zoroaster' in it.


Friday, August 10, 2007


Also in the post this morning came the latest issue of Anon, containing my poem 'Pressure', among much else, including poetry and prose by Dilys Rose, two of whose poems I published some years ago. It's nice to see her name again.


Staple 66/67

Staple 66/67 finally arrived this morning, a bumper double issue with no staples in sight - perfect bound with some nice dark green endpapers, in fact. There's plenty to salivate over: notably, poems by Peter Porter, a piece by Douglas Houston on Larkin, a translation pof Oskar Baum's 'Riffraff', and some weird images of birds and eggs by Andrea Roe. My poem 'The Looking Behind Walls Club' is in there too.


Monday, August 06, 2007

The Market Town as Epic?

Issue 20 of The Dark Horse, which bills itself as 'the Scottish-American poetry magazine' but which I prefer to think of as 'the elegantly designed and consistently interesting, mainly formal poetry magazine', is out now, with two of my poems in it, to my great pride and pleasure. Lots to enjoy: essays on Sorley MacLean, Donald Justice and Michael Longley, reviews of Armitage's Gawain, Muldoon's essays and Carcanet's Anthology of Conteporary Russian Women Poets, and of a verse-novel by David Mason called 'Ludlow' - this last an intriguing prospect, though after a few seconds I discover that the Ludlow in question is in Colorado, so the work is presumably not a late love-child of Housman and Dylan Thomas. Pity, in a way; but that's just my obsession with pastoral for you.


Shit Creek Review 4

...is now up, and full to the rafters. My poem Silt is in it, and I also have a piece in the offshoot II.
